Maybe you take prescription pills and don’t think you have a problem?
Or maybe you are secretly taking pills that aren’t yours?
So what is it you need to know about drug overdose?
No matter the scenario 3 key things you need to know for yourself and/or your loved one:
- Know the symptoms – “The first and most obvious sign of an overdose is actually witnessing someone take more of a drug than is recommended.” – Healthline. This Includes yourself. Pain not going away? Reaching for another pill? Can’t remember if you took one or two or three? Ask someone to administer the pills for you.
- Know who is at risk – “Someone who abuses a drug, either an illegal street drug or a prescription drug, is at greater risk for overdose. Someone who abuses drugs and has overdosed in the past is especially at risk. Another risk factor is using multiple drugs or mixing different drugs with each other or with alcohol. Mental health problems can also be risk factors for a drug overdose. Anyone with depression, or who exhibits suicidal behaviors, thoughts, or actions, or who engages in high-risk activities, is at a greater risk for an intentional or accidental overdose. Someone with these mental health issues who is not getting treatment is at higher risk.” – Healthline
- Know what to do – Be alert to your loved ones patterns and behavior especially if they are taking prescription pills. Call 911 if the person has collapsed or stopped breathing.
With the right help, education, and treatment, accidental overdoses can be prevented.
We want you to live your best life and find freedom from drugs and alcohol. Don’t hesitate asking for help now, let’s lower the statistics, let’s continue to fight for freedom from addiction.
If this is you or someone you love and you need help…reach out now. We are here for you!