Is it called “soda” or “pop”? Depending on where you are from will determine how you refer to it. Many will argue and claim the highest authority that one is better than the other. One is right and the other is wrong…

But what if they are both soda AND pop?

Dialectical Behavior Therapy would concur both are viable options. Yet, in the recovery community an ongoing similar debate looms in the background.

Alternatives to the 12 Steps

Are the 12 Steps the only way someone can recover from addiction? Many who swear by the 12 Steps and only the 12 Steps aren’t interested in alternatives.

Is there enough room for other options?


Addiction is an isolating disease. While 12-step programs undeniably help many addicts, other options do exist for those who feel they do not fit in. The goal for addicts is ultimately to find a life free of addiction, no matter the route taken to get there. Psychcentral

For many struggling, 12 Steps is not the road that is most comfortable for them, sometimes it is the spirituality that causes a roadblock and for others it is the definition of mental illness.

Whatever the struggle, Beauterre Recovery Institute is carefully attuned to each patient’s needs and this also means the path they take to recovery. If 12 Steps isn’t the right option, we offer other options that might tailor better to a patient’s own hopes and willingness for recovery.

If nothing else, we know that people have better treatment outcomes when theyre offered choices and not coerced to accept one thing or another.Anne Fletcher

Patients have a voice in the type of road they want to go on and we honor that desire.

So what alternative approaches are there besides 12 Steps?

  1. Health Realization Therapy

The Health Realization/Innate Health (HR/IH) psychoeducational approach is a brief intervention alternative that can be presented in a classroom setting. It engages participants’ innate capacity to realize peace of mind.NCBI

  1. Women For Sobriety

Designed to bolster womens sense of self-value, the WFS philosophy stands in contrast with AAs focus on humility and limiting self-centeredness, working from a position of empowerment.Ann Fletcher

  1. Smart Recovery

SMART Recovery is the leading self-empowering addiction recovery support group. Our participants learn tools for addiction recovery based on the latest scientific research and participate in a world-wide community which includes free, self-empowering, science-based mutual help groups.Smart Recovery

  1. Celebrate Recovery

Celebrate Recovery is a biblical and balanced program that helps us overcome our hurts, hang-ups, and habits. It is based on the actual words of Jesus rather than psychological theory.” – Celebrate Recovery

Non-12 Step resources in Minnesota

12 Step resources in Minnesota

Pop or Soda? Your choice.